
A Creative and Innovative Curriculum

At Phoenix School we offer:-

¨ An effective curriculum

The structured curriculum will support the development of pupils’ self-help skills, communication, emotional well-being and social interaction. Pupils will be engaged in a variety of activities through circle times, group work, free flow, child initiated and adult initiated learning. There will be opportunities for active exploration, learning through play, movement and sensory activities which will enhance the curriculum and develop communication skills across the day.

Pupil’s will have regular physical exercise including yoga, to re-energise or to calm down.

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and signing will support communication and the delivery of the curriculum.

¨ An excellent environment

We aim to maximise the potential of each pupil’s learning by ensuring the school environment is safe, secure and is structured to meet their needs in line with the principles of TEACCH. Environments should be set up so they are clear, functional and motivating to the pupils. There should be visuals that enhance learning and provide prompts to help understanding in all areas of the curriculum.

The school has invested in a refurbishment and new build project that has resulted in low arousal environments in classrooms

Noise levels are kept to a minimum.

Classes have quiet areas for the pupils to go when over-stimulated or they need some time to calm down

Adults are trained to keep a calm voice and use minimal language when giving instructions or at times of crisis.

¨ Consistency with communication strategies

These enable each pupil to develop their understanding in order to access information about the world around them and allow all students to make decisions. They enable each pupil to communicate their needs, comment and interact effectively with others.

We focus on developing communication environment/opportunities to encourage spontaneous communication which supports and promotes independent learning and problem solving strategies.

We do by:-

  • Developing good listening systems within the classroom, eg. Circle Time, Social Use Of Language Programme and augmentative communication systems.
  • Direct teaching and modelling from adults.
  • Encouraging the use of PECS throughout the day.
  • Providing communication tools, symbols and visuals across the school environment to encourage and facilitate spontaneous communication.
  • Allowing processing time for the pupils so they can communicate.
  • Sabotaging activities during the day so the pupils have to request eg. Something that is not there or to get through the door etc.
  • Providing clear visual prompts for the pupils to use.
  • Providing choices throughout the day.
  • Interacting and playing with the pupils.
  • Using visuals to provide clarity for learning and for behaviours.

¨ Positive behaviour support across the school

We promote and encourage appropriate behaviour conducive to learning by:-

  • Being flexible to meet the needs of the individual
  • Recognising and supporting the pupil’s sensory needs
  • Recognising and promoting achievement of specific targets as part of the pupil’s Personal Education Plan (PEP) and Behaviour Support Plan (BSP)
  • Using a range of rewards/motivators that are specific to the pupil’s individual needs and sensory behaviours eg. favourite toys, activities, computer, messy play, stickers outdoor/indoor play or social praise.
  • Behavioural Analysis kept in relation to a pupil’s behaviour patterns and the data used to develop a BSP.
  • Teaching the 9 critical communication skills throughout the day
  • Making activities functional
  • Celebrating achievement
  • Encouraging pupils to make positive, independent choices about ways to self-regulate, such as asking for a ‘break’ or a needed object.
  • Recognising a pupil’s individual need and identifying the green zone strategies to ensure these are met.

Click here for our Flexibility of Thought Policy Flexibility Of Thought 

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